Better cd SQ

Hi All,

I am considering purchasing an external DAC to use with my Marantz CD6006, trying to squeeze all the SQ from my cd's that I can. I like the sound of the CD6006, but feel like there is something better. Good idea or bad? If good, being that I know very little about DAC's, what DAC would you recommend for better SQ. My primary
Source is LP's. But I play a lot of CD's also.

All help would be very much appreciated.

Thank you,


Showing 1 response by audioman58

You can buya Eversolo A8 streamer ,dac , server and just buy a external dvd drive 

and better cable , play your CDs,rip them once you buya easy to install Solid state drive you can play digital radio,orTidal,orQobuz. Fora huge music library playing all Flac files , just buy decent Ethernet cables , and Ethernet hub , time to move with the times , and the external drive will sound far better then what you have .

set the streamers filter to Slow roll off off filter and very smooth sounding.