Best way to couple monitor speakers to stands?

I made some Sound Anchor copy 4 post stands for my Revel M20 monitors. They are very heavy and I think the sound is noticeably better than the stands I was using before. I am using 4 dabs of blue tack to couple the speakers to the stands. I wondering if big improvements can be made with something else. The top of the stands are 3/4" thick by 2" steel bar roughly the same size of the speaker and then at each corner a 2x2 steel tube runs down to a bass. Looks just like the sound anchor 4 post stands. I filled everything with sand/lead shot.

Is blue tack good enough?

Showing 2 responses by ejlif

I guess I mean whatever sounds best. It's nice that the blue tack sort of glues the speakers to the stands so if they did get bumped they wouldn't come off, but what I'm looking for is whatever sounds best. I suppose acoustically couple the speakers is what I'm looking for.
Sound Anchor does supply coupling discs, that is what got me thinking about something better than just blue tack. I think I'll just try some of the Herbie's Dots and see how those work. Thanks for the suggestions.