Best way to categorize your Vinyl collection

I'm sure this was probably posted before but, whats the consensus?? My albums are in alphabetical order (according to artist) and I find it to be a PAIN to try to find any thing! My eye sight is getting worse by the day!!
I'm thinking maybe to do it by "era" or "type of music" be it 70's rock, psychedelic, Southern rock, Folk, Jazz, female vocalist ect.... Perhaps a category for best sounding recording...?? What works best for you??

Showing 1 response by buconero117

Years ago I gave up on using some alpha filing scheme and went to a numerical approach and a computerized data base (} that is used with a bar scanner. Still cataloging but hopefully will finish late next year. I'm often surprised on the duplicates in the collection. Works well for CD's but still have not found an easy way to do the the vinyl.