Best Used Vinyl Shops in Las Vegas, Nev

Going on a business trip to Las Vegas, and wondered if there are any used vinyl shops along the strip that I should seek out on my day off. Or pawn shops, for that matter. Seeking good deals on used vinyl -- all genres.


Showing 2 responses by albertporter

There is a small shop behind the Sahara on Paradise Blvd. It may not be easy to find, as It is below and beside the sky bridge leading from the Sahara parking lot to the hotel ( at the rear). The last time I was in there I scored some almost new condition Jazz LP's that were reasonably priced. Also, if you are a fan of India food, just keep going South on Paradise to 3900 block to a small shopping center. There is a little place called Shalimar Indian Cuisine. Soft atmosphere, white table cloths and not crowded like the regular tourist places. The food is excellent, and I hope your trip will be too!
Just to clarify, the Shalimar is quite a long way from the shop I bought from. The small record shop I am speaking of is walking distance from the rear parking lot of the Sahara. It is perhaps a half block in the direction of the old downtown area. Recres is right about the place near UNLV, I completely forgot about it, and suggest it as a stop as well.