Best Used Tube Based Preamp $2k Or Under?

As the title says, I am pondering my best options for purchasing a tube based preamp for $2k or under. Must have a remote! 


Your opinions, thoughts, and expertise would be greatly appreciated. If I was spending more, I would know most of the best choices, but I'm on unfamiliar ground at this price limit. But sometimes, you can only do what you can do. 

Thanks for any help. 


Showing 9 responses by hilde45

I have researched this a lot. If you can keep an eye out for a DeHavilland UltraVerve III on the used sites, snap it up. They come up and they are really exceptional.

I would second (from reading and friends' experiences):

Cary audio SLP-98 with 6SN7 tubes (many say these tubes sound great)
VTL older 2.5 (I own one built in 2013 it's a tank
Modwright  SWL 9.0 or LS100

I also would really look hard at Aric Audio, e.g.: this one.
Or another.
Aric is very polite, writes back quickly, engaged in his work, great customer reviews and reports.


Honestly, the DeHavilland UltraVerve III is at the top of my wish list. However, as you know, these only rarely pop up for sale, and the vast majority seem to be units without remote control. 

I'd like to push back very politely about this a little (totally friendly-like!).

First, I set an alert for the DeHavilland in USAM. I was surprised they came up somewhat regularly. To test my claim, click HERE (HiFi Shark) and search Used/Expired and look at the dates.

As for remote control -- someone might be able to add one.

Second, the Cary preamp has SIX 6SN7 tubes. That's a lot of tubes. The Dehavilland has one.

Third, I had the Quicksilver Preamp. It comes up used often. It is quiet and sounds good but a bit dry, clinical. No tube changes made that better. I think the 6SN7 is a better preamp tube.

@nightfall and others -- sorry FOUR 6SN7 tubes rather than SIX. My bad.

I still prefer having a preamp with one. Why? Cost: they range in price but maybe $30 bucks and up (times four). I'd rather spend money on having a variety of 6SN7 tubes to try different sounds with. I don't want to buy multiple quads. IMHO, having amps with that many tubes is what would push me toward a solid state preamp.

Sure thing about the QS. I upgraded the caps in my preamp and still didn’t wind up keeping it.

IMHO: I've never heard a Schiit preamp that competes with the most of the options suggested to you. I'd skip Schiit for a tube preamp.

Rogue RP-5 for $1450 is a great deal -- but for me, it's not a 6SN7 tube but four 12AU7/ECC82. Different sound. Perhaps OP will like though. Well made, good company, great price and resale potential.

+1 Erhard. I have always been interested. I think he's close to retiring so you might be in touch about how long to get a unit and follow up if any service is needed.

This is my last correspondence with Kara (feb 2020).

"Thank you for your interest in my products. I am actually taking a sabbatical from audio. I have been building gear solo on my tech bench for 25 years and need a well deserved break. I would strongly recommend buying a used Ultraverve preamp. Its a spectacular bargain at used prices and all of them are really the same design--so they all sound good and they do not wear out in any real way. Used examples go for $1500 to $1800 depending."

I don’t know if the sabbatical ended but the website seems to have just remained static.

There is this comment on a USAM ad for a preamp (already sold) that indicates some work is still being done by Kara. Best to email.

"He had Kara Chafee at deHavilland upgrade the output caps to V-Cap TFTF ($450) and install a 47 point volume attenuator for fine volume control. The new attenuator was installed at deHavilland ($550 upgrade) in February, 2024."

That Supratek for $1500 looks quite amazing. (Review here:

Here’s a question, @nightfall -- do you have anyone near you that could fix or upgrade equipment, should you have the need? I have had much gear tweaked and in a couple cases fixed by a local audio guy. Having that relationship could be the make-or-break factor in your ability to take chances on various pieces of gear, used or new.

I found my guy by first finding the audio club in my town and then asking them where they got their gear fixed. It’s been smooth sailing since then.