Best Used Speaker Under $4,000 w/ Respectable Lows

I was once a member of the audiophile community (Some of the older Audiogon members may remember me) but had to step out for a bit do to life changes. I am thinking about stepping back into it in a limited fashion with the system configuration listed below. I would love opinions on what used, $4000 or less, speaker would best suit the following system. Note that I would prefer NOT to bi-wire and would love something with a respectable low end (A full range speaker would be nice). I tend to treasure transparency, neutrality, high end extension, speed, DYNAMICS, and tight driver control / integration in my speakers and leave bloom/coloring/musicality to the amp. I also prefer speakers that play very well at low volumes with medium power amps. Thanks for the help!

Transport: PC with Windows 7 / WAV Files / Foobar / Lynx AES16 PCI digital I/O card

Dac & Preamp: Berkeley Audio Design Alpha DAC

Interconnects & Speaker Cable: Nordost SPM

Amp: Sim Audio Moon W 5.3
Just a bit above your price buy it is "obo". Way beyond your expectations.
I own a pair of Salk HT3. It is the best speaker I have owned or heard. Obviously there are tons of great speakers out there at that price point and there are great people on this site that help you make the right choice.

I spent a year looking for a replacement speakers and settled on the Salks. It was very frustrating at times but well worth the time and effort I put into it. Take your time so that you can be happy with your choice for a while.

Happy hunting.
I currently have B&W 801 series 3 speakers driven by a pair of McIntosh 501s. The lows are abundant, coherent, and most important they're great listen to.
I spent some time with Jim Salk at his home listening room. He is a gracious host with a very realistic listening room - meaning odd room size and no room treatments. Listening in this environment I can say for the money his speakers are a great value. I was able to listen to the Archos open baffle, HT3, and Song Towers, as well as a prototype of a new model Salk will be introducing (or by now may have introduced). I could easily live with any of them. I'm sure there would be something in the Salk lineup in your price range you would be pleased with.
Anthony Clio09
You sure get around ! yes, I agree Jim's speakers are very good value and a sonic homerun for those looking for their next speaker upgrade