Best upgrade path?

I have an enjoyable system that consists of a Plinius 8200
integrated, Totem Forests, and an Ayre Cx7. The musicality is good, the detail is very clear--I think I'm getting the itch to upgrade, though. What would you suggest? A new amp?

Showing 1 response by bartokfan

I'd start with speakers first.
My suggest: Dump the Totems for whatever you can get for em (I seea used pr goes for like $1500. Take that money, throw in a another $1K and get the Tyler's MTM design, Either floor stander or the lower priced book shelf model.
Now work around that. Next step is pick up a used tube cdp, for under $1K.
For amp, I'll leave that to someone else. The Tyler MTM's need the juice though.