Best ultrasonic lp cleaner in 2020 and what surfactant best?

so many new ones.  ps advise
and i read that surfactant is hugely important.  Any expertise on that?

Showing 1 response by lxgreen

I bought a degritter a couple of weeks ago. Prior to that, I was using an old nitty gritty I bought used on agon. I was happy with it but kept reading about the ultrasonic machines being so much better. However I couldn’t get past all the problems people had with them plus the cost just seemed crazy and hard to justify. Finally COVID craziness got to me and I broke down to buy one. Apparently they are in very high demand and many dealers sell out quickly. I will have to say with my brief experience I am very happy with the purchase. Most of my records are very clean so wasn’t sure if it would make that much a difference. But now I would highly recommend the machine  before upgrading any of your equipment. It really makes a difference even on records you think are in perfect condition.