Best U.S.A. speakers?

HI,What are the ten top best speakers made in the united states?

Showing 2 responses by knownothing

In no particular Order:

Green Mountain Audio Calypso
Hyperion Sound HPS 968
Zu Cable Definition Pro
Cain and Cain IM Ben and Bailey subwoofer
Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference
Ohm Walsh 5-S3
Vandersteen Model 5A
Magico Mini 2
Revel Ultima Salon 2
Magnepan 20.1

Perhaps not the most expensive, but the "Best U.S.A. speakers" IMO. There are actually a lot of good speaker "systems" designed and assembled in the U.S.A. There are not a lot of DRIVERS designed and manufactured here any longer - although at least some of these speakers feature unique or custom in-house designs. It's in the higher volume stuff where The U.S.A. is totally left in the dust...

What do you mean by "MADE IN THE USA"? Designed in the USA? Designed and Assembled in the USA? Designed, Assembled and all pieces Fabricated or Manufactured in the USA including: Rubber, Plastic, Paper, Metal Frames and Other Parts, Wires, Wood and Various Other Exotic Materials and Components? If you mean the later, then this is a very tall order and there are probably very few if any speakers that qualify as "MADE IN THE USA". Perhaps that is your point?