Best type of metal for turntable platform?

I have someone that owns a CNC machine. And machine for me a metal platform to the dimensions of 16 x 13 x 3. Ive heard aluminum is a good metal vs price for vibration reduction. Does anyone have any recommendations? Any input would help. Thanks. 

Showing 4 responses by mijostyn

@antinn , said it pretty well. You will not isolated the turntable from anything with whatever material you choose. You could actually make things worse. Sometimes a wall shelf will help, sometimes not. You have to isolate the turntable from everything about three Hz. Including the dump truck that just drove down the road. You can feel it even on a concrete  slab. The only sure fire way to do this is with a suspended turntable tune to less than 3 Hz preferably by hanging. SOTA and SME are the best at this. Sota's may look simple but they are very well made and very durable. You can also choose the wood if you like. For $10,000 you can have a perfectly suspended table with vacuum clamping, a magnetic thrust bearing, Top notch speed control and a dust cover to boot. Many of these feathers are available in less expensive table. 
There are many spring loaded devices on the market. I the dealer does not ask you for the weight of the table as it plays with recodes an clamps, forget it, move on. The springs have to be tuned to the weight of the turntable and you always go with the lightest spring that will work. 3 Hz. That is what you are looking for. Then you can kiss foot fall problems goodbye.
A well isolated turntable will not be bothered by anything. This requires a suspension. If you really want to isolate an unsuspended turntable you get a MinusK platform. They are the best. But , if you get a properly suspended turntable you can put it on a foldable card table and it will not care. Examples are the SME turntables, Sota turntables, The Avid Actus,
The Kuzma Ref 2, Basis turntables, Dohmann turntables, Oracle turntables and probably a few I do not know about. You can put almost any turntable on a MinusK platform and get excellent isolation.
foot fall is when you walk up to the turntable and it starts skipping because the floor is bouncing under you.