Best Tubes for Aesthetix IO Phono Stage?

I'd like to get some insight on various tube type success stories out there on this wonderful phono stage. I'm relatively new to the tube scene after many years of SS gear. One thing I must say that I have become spoiled by with the SS stuff is how quiet it can be (low noise floor).

What are some of the best tubes available to minimize my Aesthetix's tube noise while maintaining it's fantastic sonics and dynamics? (I'm using a Lyra Helikon Cartidge - .35mv)

Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by kublakhan

one of the best posts on this site happens to be about just this from albertporter at:

and if that doesn't work do a search for aesthetix and find the post with heading Aesthetix IO-problems??? and look for that thread yourself. it's a must-read for someone with your question.