Best tube preamplifier for under $15k

Let’s hear it guys, what’s your favorite. 

Showing 2 responses by verdantaudio

At least in a single ended system, the Art Audio Conductor is pretty great.  I replaced a PS Audio BHK with it and it was a noteworthy step up.  Not sure if it is the best under $15K but is fabulous and a good value at $8500.  

I am sure in a balanced system the BHK would be better, single ended though...

One other unit worth checking out is the KR Audio P 135.  It is a 45 based preamp.  Really cool unit with an unbelievable soundstage.  I personally am intrigued by the idea of pairing this preamp with a Chord Ultima 6.  I think it would be an incredible combo.  

I am a KR Dealer but you guys should check out the review on this one.  Worth the read.