Best tube preamp for Quicksilver V4 tube mono's (newest KT150 version)

Just purchased a pair of Quicksilver V4 mono tube amps, the newest KT150 version.  Will be arriving this coming Wednesday.

Single ended
Input impedance is 100 K ohms
Input sensitivity is 1.5 volts

Now need to purchase a nice preamp.  Would like to get the most 'bang for buck' by getting a very nice condition used pre-amp.

On my radar so far is:

EAR 868
Audible Illusions M3b or L3a
Herron VTSP-360

I have had 2 different AI M3a pre-amps in the past, so I am very familiar with Audible Illusions 'sound'... not sure what is the differences between the AI M3b and AI L3a, besides the M3b having  phono stage options and the L3a remote controlled volume?

No experience with Herron or EAR, but from what I have read EAR, if compatible, may be the best performing?

Suggestions greatly appreciated. 

Also would like to hear from other V4 owners.

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Showing 6 responses by decooney

@fjn04 04-18-2018 8:12amI had the balanced and unbalanced V4’s. I really enjoyed these amps, though I have never heard the KT 150. I tried an EAR 912, and I can tell you from a sound and synergy perspective, it was a good match. I believe I had the balanced version of the V4’s at the time. If I had these amps again, the preamp I would want to try would be Shindo.

Which Shindo preamplifier?

Currently running a 6SN7 based tube preamp with my QS mono amps (KT150s) and really like it, thus maximizing the capability of the amps. Interested in what others have tried. Seeing several preamps listed on the Shindo site.

Forgot to add, I have the Aric Audio Special.

That Aric Special seems like a nice little preamp. Attention to detail, caps, adj gain feature too - nice. It’s great to see folks trying different preamps with the QS amps to get the best out of them. I’ve noticed quite a difference with the most subtle changes to preamps, preamp input tubes, cap changes, vintage input tubes in the amps themselves.

>> using different 6SN7s in the preamp other than re-issue TS 6SN7s...<< vintage RCA or Sylvania black plates, Sophia Electric Blues / TJ Full Music / Northern Electric. Was a game changer for my own QS amps.

Have you messed around yet with swapping out the vanilla stock re-issue TS 6SN7s that came with your Aric-Special preamp?

@mesch 2,026 posts
Decooney,thanks for the support on my purchase decision.  I have not tried tube rolling with this pre. I have owned it about a month. My approach is to live with it as is to enjoy and better understand what it is providing towards my listening experience. I am considering the purchase of a tube amplifier, stereo or monos, not sure. Considering Aric Audio or Quicksilver.  

Hey, If you like the Aric preamp, maybe consider the Aric amp for the best synergy. I mix brands, and it goes well however IF you like the sound of your Aric gear and happy with the support, might be a good way to go.    
"Wise owl"for sure.  

Something to be said about buying nice new proven products at reasonable prices and skipping the whole used > shipping > repair/upgrade cycle. Sure saves a lot of time and headaches, and the "quality costs less" theory applies for the long-term.  

I’m one of those who came "full circle", or at least recognizing true value, with an appreciation for clean and simple designs both offer. It seems there are many loyal folks who buy Quicksilver/Vandersteen or Quicksilver/Klipsch combos. Always see lots of praise for both and less rotation of gear with them.

Perhaps there is nothing else for them to wonder about, it just "works" out of the box as-is, and they get to spend their time simply listening to music. :) Time savings is a true value $ too.
I would make sure you try the latest Quicksilver 12 AT7 line stage and put more into your front end....

Agree with @audioconnection - 
I recommended the same to a few friends in the past few months, and both of them are super happy with their new Quicksilver Linestage preamplifiers. 

One is now reselling his former preamp that retailed for 5x the cost of the QS line stage, will be putting money back in his pocket!  A majorly underrated tube preamplifier. With some really good vintage/NOS tubes, brings it to another level as well as both have confirmed. Both enjoy the soundstage presentation in particular.