best tube integrated under $5000 ?

What is the best sounding tube integrated amp?I am trying to find some great sounding and reasanable priced tube I.A. So far I love Cr Developments Romulus,any other suggestions?

Showing 2 responses by nitewulf

Second the Coincident Dynamo. I have the MK1 version...and it is just brilliant.  I may purchase their higher wattage integrated for my main system down the line.
Currently two tiny single driver speakers for my bedroom/second system. But I did run my Legacy Audio Signature SEs with the Dynamo when I received it, and it sounded magical...on critical listening probably not as "tight" as my solid state McIntosh but it was just smooth and sweet, in no way did anything seemed missing. Only 8 WPC and drove the huge Legacies quite loudly in my main room.