Best tube integrated--Cary SLI-80, or?

I'm thinking of replacing the Krell KAV 300i in my 2nd system (I know, it's not the most musical-sounding component in the world), to drive my B&W CDM1-SE's. Having become a tube addict, & kind of always wanting a Cary amp of some sort, I'm thinking of the SLI-80.

Questions: the latest version of the SLI-80 just came out; I'm thinking it's probably hard to find used as yet. Does anyone have any knowledge of how it compares with earlier versions? And, I have an older model VTL ST-85 around......I could either sell that, & put the $$ towards the Cary, or buy a used tube pre-amp to use with the VTL.

Any advice would be appreciated!

Showing 5 responses by marchman

I've been playing with NOS goodies in my SLI-80 as Jay states. There are a bunch of us (SLI-80 owners) and we are all overwhelmingly pleased with not only the amp, but the professionalism and great advice we get from the dealer we all bought them from, Kevin Deal.

The only thing we haven't agreed on yet, is which speakers are the best match with this amp. Though, Jay has just convinced me I need to go a pair of Meadowlarks (Shearwaters of Herons). So I'm going to do just that as soon as I can unload my Silverline and Soliloquy monitor/sub setup here on Audiogon.

The Rogue isn't in the same ballpark IMO.
There's a Cary SLI-80 for $2300 here on A'gon. The guy states that it is only 3 weeks old and getting rid of it because of his 11 month old.

Check out:
Longplate: I don't think you gave the SLI much of a chance with the stock Sovtek garbage. We've all been playing with NOS goodies and exchanging our impressions.

I think I would be safe in saying that we all agree the Siemens 7308's are KILLER. Maybe the best 6922/6DJ8 for this amp. On the 6SN7's we're a little split. While I prefer the early 50's RCA 6SN7GT others prefer the Raytheon's. We all like the Svetlana KT88's.

Granted, this is an additional $500+ worth of tubes, but it makes all the difference in the world. And you can never have enough NOS tubes lying around. :-)
Leafs: I don't prefer the Rogue, not even with NOS. My buddy has a Tempest driving B&W 805N's. We both agree that I have the superior sounding system. Sorry that my opinion set you off, it wasn't intended to. Were you listening to the Cary with $500 worth of NOS and Svet KT88 power tubes? You don't mention that you were. Best to you, March

{p.s. If it's any consolation to you, I'm moving on to a S. F. Power 2 (and I'll have to buy a preamp). I get bored with stuff quick, which makes this a VERY expensive hobby}
Leafs: The only tubes we could've swapped would be the 88's and (at the time we listened) he already had a quad of Svets in the Tempest.

You should swap out those 12AU's for some 12AU7/6189 Radiotechniques and Tungsram ECC83's. I had some of both of those squirreled away here and let my buddy have a set for his Tempest (he's good to me too).

Although he's only had them burning for about 10 days now, initial impressions are that the two would have been tight. The Tempest has a much tighter bottom end now and a little less glare on the top. Just like I like it.

I won't ever be able to give you my opinions on this matter though. I've got my SLI-80 and CD-303 boxed up. They are on their way to San Fransisco, CA and I've committed to buy a Line 2SE and Power 2SE, which have been set aside for me.

I can't wait. I LOVE THESE TOYS !!! :-)