Best tracks to "show off" your system

I know there are certain songs that seem to bring out your system better than others.

which songs to you put on to show off your system to friends?

for me:
1. My love is - Diana Krall
2. Girl from Impanema - Getz/Gilberto

Showing 1 response by eldartford

Different systems excel in different kinds of music, so there is no "right answer" to this question.

My system, with three elaborate subwoofer systems reproduces loud organ and chorus music in a way that no little box can approach, but yet that little box might excel for a solo violin (I have one that does).

Some multichannel recordings are spectacular, if you have a multichannel system, but might not be so special in plain stereo.

And for systems with horn midrange/tweeter, dixieland jazz is great.