Best Tonearm Match for Shelter 901

I remember reading here on Audigon that some of the "best" tonearms (Graham in particular) are not suited for use with the Shelter 901 or 501 cartridge -- for whatever reason.

If anyone has recommendations for what they consider the best tonearm for the Shelter(s), I'd love to know what those arms are and why they would be a good match.

Also, if you could expand on why certain arms may not work well with this cartridge type -- I'd like to learn.

I currently use the Shelter with a Linn Ittok tonearm with what seems like great success, however I am in the process of building a Teres and would like to purchase the best arm possible for that table.

Showing 1 response by rwd

Twl, you always amaze me with, not only the complete knowledge of vinyl, but the way you communicate it. Up front and honest and in a very non-confrontational manor.
My hat's off to you....

.....Oh by the way....if your ever in town (NYC) I'd love you to come by and check up my Turntable/arm set up!
