I have to agree with @nonoise @grislybutter on this one--hard to beat the Atalante 3s. I'm still breaking mine in. I traded in my Dynaudio Special 40s for the Revivals. I have a REL T7x that I occasionally used with the S40s but I haven't used them with the Atalante 3s since there's plenty of bass (for me). You could try speaker cable upgrades possibly?
Best standmounts with a 7" woofer/driver
Hi All,
Love to her recommendations on bookshelf speakers with a 7 inch woofer. I know I should not focus everything on driver size, but I would like a bookshelf that can move some air. Big sound. I currently own Revival Atalante 3.They have a nice 7 inch driver. Just shopping for possible upgrades. My room is 14' X 12'
Please share your best bookshelf speakers... High end only.