Best standmounts with a 7" woofer/driver

Hi All,

Love to her recommendations on bookshelf speakers with a 7 inch woofer. I know I should not focus everything on driver size, but I would like a bookshelf that can move some air. Big sound. I currently own Revival Atalante 3.They have a nice 7 inch driver. Just shopping for possible upgrades. My room is 14' X 12'

Please share your best bookshelf speakers... High end only.



Showing 1 response by blisshifi

@bunkertoy It may be hard to find and demo a pair, but check out the T+A Talis R 300. They retail close to $10K a pair, but they are exactly what you are looking for. Very high level of craftsmanship (cabinet is machined out of a solid block of aluminum), with a close to 7” driver that is warm and natural but also dynamic and detailed.

T+A is renowned as one of the best audio electronics companies, but most people don’t realize that they started out as a speaker company first, over 45 years ago!

I just recalled that I took a video with an iPhone demoing a Patricia Barber track on a demo pair of these (I am a dealer). Subs are not enabled here. The speakers  go down to 35Hz, but with room gain it’s easy to hear how it can go lower than 30Hz. Enjoy, and let me know if you have any questions on these.