Best SS Integrated Amps in every price range

Dear Audiophiles,

Then let us share our valuable experience and prepare a SS Integrated amps list for the following price ranges.

< $501
$500 - $1000
$1001 - $1500
$1501 - $2000
$2001 - $2500
$2501 - $3500
$3501 - $5000
$5001 - $7000
$7001 - $10000

please use following template :
Name :
Price : $____(new),$____(used)
Detail : ____W(8Ohm),____W(4Ohm)
Speaker :
Source :
Speaker Cable :
Interconnects :
Power :
Comment& Links:

At the end, we can prepare a complete reference guide.

Take care,
Karan KA-i180
Price : $6,000(new),$2,500(used)
Detail : 175W(8Ohm),300?W(4Ohm)
Speaker : North Creek Rhythm
Source : Proceed CDD transport and Audio Note DAC 1.1x
Speaker Cable : Home made twisted quad 99.999% silver
Interconnects : Cardas Hex 5
Power : None
Comment& Links: TNT audio review
BVaudio A300S integrated
$1790, new
170W/4 , 110W/8 ohm
Speaker: Xavian XN350
Source: Theta Miles
Speaker cables: Harmonic Technology PRO9 plus
Interconnects: Harmonic Tech, ProSilway MKII
Odyssey Extreme Mono Blocks
$2650 new $2100 used
250+W @ 8 ohms
500+W @ 4 ohms

Speakers: Ohm Model I
Source: Jolida JD-100 CDP
All cable is Groneberg Quattro (PC,IC and Speaker Cable)