Best speakers under $500? Fire away!

Looking for suggestions for budget speakers under $500.  Can be floor or bookshelf.  
Let's hear the suggestions for the experts out there!

Thank you
I have a NAD 3120 paired with a set of Wharfedale Diamond 10.1 speakers bi-wired and i am very happy with that combo. I would also be auditioning Elac B5 & B6 based on reviews if i was still looking.
Bose 301,  with the right set up and speaker position .Only complaint the speaker terminals suck elephant dick, big time .
I have been an audio retailer for decades. I might be politically incorrect in saying but I see a pattern of recommendations on sketchy information and experience. For instance, based upon my experience the original NAD 3020 drives speakers amazingly well. Additionally the overall sound quality of a speaker is more important than a speaker's sensitivity especially in the absence of knowing other factor such as listen habit. On the other hand it is encouraging that so many folks agree on the Elac speaker. It means there is hope yet!☺
johndorsey... thank you for your input.  So............. with ecerything you have read, what is your recommendation?  ELAC UB5's or B6? Or another?

OK... I think I have narrowed down my choices to the ELAC Debut B6 and Wharfedale Diamond 10.1.  Both are roughly $259 shipped and can be returned easily.  Sensitivity is 86/87db for both.  

Any input on which way I should go?