Best speakers for Pink Floyd?

What do you think??

Showing 3 responses by asvjerry

...lately I've been doing the latter with deadmau5, but I'm just Really Contrary, y'all....;)
'5 years of mau5', "I Remember"

Try it before you scoff....knock the dust off the woofers and subs...subtle synth stuff, to coin a phrase...;)
Any working speaker, dependent upon what you've ingested.  But at that point, you're probably filling in blanks that may not exist. *G*

I vote headphones for personal use.  Then loudness won't freak you neighbors out, and verify to them that you're just a refugee from 'then', like me. ;)

If you've got to play PF in the listening area, run watcha' brung.  Volume to 11....