My system is as follows:

  1. Martin Logan 11A Impressions hybrid electrostatic speakers.
  2. Bryston 4B3 cubed power amp 300 per channel into 8 and 500 into 4.
  3. Bryston BP-19 preamp, Chord Qutest Dac & Lumin U2 mini stream.
  4. SVS subs-pair of SB-4000
  5. I listen at 55-60 dbs. Can anybody recommend a speaker with a budget of $15,000.00 per pair that sounds alive and dynamic at low listening levels. My dealer sells, Totem, Triangle and Proac.
  6. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Due to age and ear issues I can listen comfortably at 55-60 dbs and not much louder. 
  7. Thanks in advance for any help that you can provide. 

Showing 1 response by porchlight1

I’m not sure you can do better for low volume listening, as electrostatic speakers are known for their resolution at low levels (mainly due to the lack of mechanical hysteresis - getting that heavy cone up and running - in dynamic drivers) and your Martin-Logan’s are definitely fantastic electrostatic speakers.  Panel speakers, like yours, are very nearly line sources whose sound pressure decreases 3dB with each doubling of distance (the inverse law 1/r) where as point sources (cones, domes, etc) follow the inverse square law 1/r*2 where sound pressure falls off by 6dB per doubling the distance.  I think maybe some EQ options that others have mentioned might be the best solution. A Schiit Loki+ 4 band EQ at $149.00 between your preamp and power amp would handily do the trick.  It’s totally transparent, easily bypassed, and made in the USA.  The Lokius at $299 takes you to 6 bands and balanced in/outs. The Loki Max at $1499 adds remote control to all the controls. Enjoy your great system!