My system is as follows:

  1. Martin Logan 11A Impressions hybrid electrostatic speakers.
  2. Bryston 4B3 cubed power amp 300 per channel into 8 and 500 into 4.
  3. Bryston BP-19 preamp, Chord Qutest Dac & Lumin U2 mini stream.
  4. SVS subs-pair of SB-4000
  5. I listen at 55-60 dbs. Can anybody recommend a speaker with a budget of $15,000.00 per pair that sounds alive and dynamic at low listening levels. My dealer sells, Totem, Triangle and Proac.
  6. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Due to age and ear issues I can listen comfortably at 55-60 dbs and not much louder. 
  7. Thanks in advance for any help that you can provide. 

Showing 1 response by hysteve

I have Magico A3’s mated with same subs as yours - Svs sb4000 and I am quite pleased. They are at your budget new but can be found used for much less. I have a db app on my phone and not sure of its accuracy. I set it at 60 db at my listening position. I can listen at that level but my 72 yo ears do not pick up all the nuances at that level. I have tennitis which I’m sure doesn’t help. I like it at 70-80 db. I have a dedicated room I can shut off so it doesn’t hinder the wife’s sleeping. Some have posted the A3’s are “dark”. I don’t find that the case at all. Of course cables make a huge difference in how and speakers will sound. I’m using Audio Sensibility signature cables that are quite revealing. Signal is via Innuos Zenith MK3 with Phoenix USB; USB switch with fiber optic. All interconnects are premium Audio Sensibility and Less Loss. I’ve not heard your DAC but I know DACs too make a huge difference in sq. I’m on #4 now and think I’ll stay awhile with the T+A DAC 200. There are better ones but, for the money, not sure. There are so many good speakers out there for your budget. Try to listen to as many as you can. If you’re willing to spend 15k, and don’t mind used, you can get speakers that retailed at 25-30k. And you’ve got power aplenty to drive almost anything. I’m powering my A3’s with 300 w, a Hegel H500. Happy hunting!!