Best speaker in the $5-10K range. Details below.

Thank you all in advance for your help. I am a long time member but first time poster. I have a speaker budget of ~$5k. I could stretch it if needed to 8-9 if necessary and 10 MAYBE.

My room is 16'x18' with 10' ceilings. I am currently using Usher 6311's with a JL Audio f112. I am enjoying the sound I have but would like to upgrade. Using a Metrum DAC, Dodd Battery preamp and AMB labs balanced B22 amp (30-50 wpc).

I would like to upgrade my speakers but I do not have the time or opportunity to audition speakers at hifi dealers.

Based upon reading mags, web searches, etc. I have come up with some considerations. Speakers that might fit my requirements include Legacy Classic HD, Salk HT3, VMPS RM 30, Usher Mini Dancer 2 dmd, Magnepan 3.7, and Von Schweikert 35. I am not limiting my search to these and would greatly appreciate any experience, suggestions etc. to help me out.

Musical preferences include mostly rock/classic rock. jazz, and occasionally classical. Thanks again.


Showing 1 response by markalarsen

Magnepan 3.7, 20.1 or 20.7, or Joseph Audio Pulsar or Perspective. Keep the JL Audio f112 until you hear them in your listening room. With the big Magnepans or Perspectives, you probably will sell the subwoofers.