Best speaker in nearfield listening

I have heard that Audio Physic is great in the nearfield listening position. I sit six to seven feet from the speaker. My budget is up to 5K used. I really want to make this work in a very close listening environment.

Showing 2 responses by kublakhan

i listen to my acoustat model IIIs about 7-8 feet back and the sound is gigantic. i think these work great close because they beam (one of their drawbacks) and dont interfere with each other. once you find the right position it's heaven. although you'll be doing most of your listening alone. they do sound significantly better at higher rather than lower volumes though but turn these things up and you're there like no other speaker i've heard. you can get a pair of mint acoustats for $1000 and spend the other 4k on prostitutes and cheeze nips...treat yourself.
something just occurred to me: if you have a small room the acoustats might be wrong. they need to be at least 3 feet out from the rear wall.