Best Speaker cable in the $400.00-$500.00 range for 2 meters

I currently have a Rogue Audio Magnum power amp, Rogue Preamp, Triton 5 speakers with 2 SVS subwoofers,
and a Cary Audio CD player. My current speaker cable is by Discovery Cable. Looking to upgrade my cable and
was recommended the Nordost White Lightening which retails for $377.00 a pair for 2 meters and the Nordost Purple Flare, both in the Leif family of Nordost for $500.00 per pair  for 2 meters. In short my budget is
 $500.00 per pair. If there is any other cable that can be recommended in my price range that my be superior
 I would appreciate any suggestions.  Looking for the best use of the $500.00.

Showing 1 response by lous

12 gauge Duelund Tinned - copper in cotton, or Goertz, both were designed for audio by real engineers. You can use Western Electric, the original, it's what I am listening to now, but I am told Duelund is better, all my ICs are Duelund. There are now Western Electric fakes, so if you buy W.E. I recommend buying from;

If using Goertz USE THE ZOBELS! Goertz like the old and much vaunted Polk cable, is almost purely capacitive and can send amplifiers into oscillation in inaudible frequencies, which can destroy you amp. I have used Goertz for years, WITH ZOBELS! I haven't yet done an A/B, but both sound like they don't exist IME. Other cables do seem to impact the sound, so if you are trying to cover for other issues, keep looking.