Best Speaker cable in the $400.00-$500.00 range for 2 meters

I currently have a Rogue Audio Magnum power amp, Rogue Preamp, Triton 5 speakers with 2 SVS subwoofers,
and a Cary Audio CD player. My current speaker cable is by Discovery Cable. Looking to upgrade my cable and
was recommended the Nordost White Lightening which retails for $377.00 a pair for 2 meters and the Nordost Purple Flare, both in the Leif family of Nordost for $500.00 per pair  for 2 meters. In short my budget is
 $500.00 per pair. If there is any other cable that can be recommended in my price range that my be superior
 I would appreciate any suggestions.  Looking for the best use of the $500.00.

Showing 2 responses by ieales

Please read before spending your money.

Changing cables may make your system different but better is highly questionable from recommendations... 
1. Ignore everyone that doesn't have your amp.
and source and speakers and room and preference