Best sounding universal player (CD, DVD-A, SACD)

Hi all,
I choose the best universal player for CD, DVD-A, SACD. May be read SACD-R on DVD-R.
My list is:
Esoteric SA-60
Esoteric UX-1
Marantz UD9004
Accustic Arts SP1
Bladelius Freja
Ayre C-5xeMP
Meridian 800 DAX (only DVD-Audio)
Meridian 808.1 and 808.2 (CD, DVD-A)

Maybe someone compared? Another players?
The c-5xeMP is going to be discontinued, according to an Ayre dealer in Chicago that I spoke with yesterday.  It will be replaced with a 2 chassis unit, which sounds like a separate transport and dac, and will sell for around $10K
Just bought a modified Oppo from John Tucker at Exemplar Audio. Compared it to a Esoteric SA player. It slammed the Esoteric player.  At $3500.00, it's a no brainner.


Hmm pekelola, I just added an Esoteric SA-60 for 5.1 to go with the Ayre C5xeMP I use for stereo.  The SA-60 sounds pretty good to me.  The SA-60 goes through the 7.1 analog bypass of a Bryston SP3; C-5xeMP goes through an analog Parasound JC 2 BP.