Best Sounding Speaker Cables?

Cardas Clear, Nordost Frey 2, Clarus Crimson? Strengths? 

Showing 1 response by pennpencil

I understand these "what is best" questions come from the dilemma of being unable to buy a bunch of expensive cables/amps/streamers and compare them. So, it seems natural to ask others, "Which should I buy?" It would be great to have a Consumer Reports that compares fridges, dishwashers, amps, and interconnects. But there will never be an audiophile version of Consumer Reports because your ears are different from everyone else's, your tastes are different, and a component sounds different in different setups. So, the best thing you can do is buy from a company that doesn't charge a lot to return their products. I wish audio conventions could give you the comparisons you wish but they won't unless you lug your gear into the convention hall with you. :-)