Best sounding room at CES 2003

What was the best sounding room at CES 2003?

Showing 1 response by peter_s

I loved the Lamm SET amplifier => Wilson Watt Puppy System 7 speakers. The Watt Puppies didn't sound nearly as good on any other amp: VTL, Lamm A/B - but they sure sounded sweet, refined, and kept total composure throughout the dynamic spectrum on the Lamm SET's.

I loved the Avalon Eidolon and Eidolon diamonds, both with the Ayre and Accuphase electronics. And the Quad speakers were as sweet as always - just dissappeared! Both the new 988's and the "Quad Classics" now owned by Braun.

Nagra's room sounded pretty good, and if you're an old taper like myself, you gotto love Nagra! There were also some cool innovative (or restored old) technologies at THE Show.

Why is it that the speakers I like cost so much $$$$$!!!

AND - vinyl was always the best when a comparision had to be made!