Best sounding Krell ?

Let's say I had $4k for a power amp. and was looking at used Krell power amps. Which Krell would you consider the best sounding of all the different models in the last 10 years? Of course this is all subjective but based on midrange, bass and all the other attributes we audiophools crave.

Showing 8 responses by audiofeil

I agree with Marty and Chris.

Years ago when Krell was a relevant high end player in the audio industry, some of the amplifiers were quite good.
Facts are facts.

Krell is not relevant in the context of all the choices available to the knowledgable buyer today. I talk to dozens of customers and potential customers every week and virtually nobody mentions Krell.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

No doubt you're a Krell owner huh?
Let’s stick to the issue and not go with the John Lennon, Imagine, and personal stuff. None of that is relevant at all but when you have nothing substantive to contribute I guess the diversion is worth a shot.

What we have here is another Krell owner shooting the messenger and not dealing with the subject and reality of the situation which is the presentation of an industry perspective not that of an owner.

At one time Krell was an important name in the high end audio arena. In much the same way that Lincoln, Mercedes, and Cadillac dominated the luxury automobile market, today Lexus, Acura, BMW, Infinity, and Audi rule. Why? Performance, quality, and VALUE.

In the context of other brands offering similar power/performance/VALUE available today i.e. Classe, Bryston, Pass, Chord, Rowland, Marantz, Ayre, McIntosh, Bel Canto, Halcro, Mark Levinson, Edge, Plinius, Moscode, Goldmund, Theta, Parasound, Linn, Burmester, Spectron, etc., Krell is simply a square peg in a round hole. That is, an overpriced and therefore low demand product. As I said in a previous post, years ago the company did make some very nice products. That is irrefutable. Times change, life goes on. Even the Oldsmobiles of the world fade to black.

Believe what you wish but it doesn’t jibe with the majority of today’s buyers. I talk to them everyday and once again, nobody’s asking about Krell. To be fair, I don’t solicit the home theater customer so that might contribute to the lack of interest. You mentioned reviewers? Yeah, they are to be believed with all of the money, dinners, vacations, freebies, and goodies involved. Keep reading that stuff. Renew that subscription to People as well.

More bad news Dave. There are more and better products coming from new and innovative designers all over the world.

Disclaimer: I sell some of the brands mentioned.
>>Don't give us the George Carlin "THE MAN" is running things speech, trying to paint the entire industry as working in concert to mislead the people.<<

Those are your words not mine first of all.

Second, I have a much clearer understanding of the audio business and how it works than you Dave. Don't kid yourself. This business is not unlike any other business i.e. it is not squeaky clean if you will.

My point was not to believe all you read and hear whether it be in the audio mags, New York Times, CNN, etc.

You know Dave, everybody has a right to misunderstand the issues but you abuse the privelege.
>>I think you should give Krell a little more credit<<

Well Biff, I talk to dozens of customers every week and very few, if any, serious audiophiles still ride a dinosaur to work.

Yabba dabba do.
>>The FPB 600 is one of THEE finest amps ever made<<

That, of course, is subjective and one person's opinion.

I totally disagree; certainly a powerful monster but like most Krells it lacks finesse and texture.

Reminds me of a 60's era muscle car. They went extremely fast in one direction but their handling and cornering was pitiful.

To each his own.