@freediver Congrats, and I think I know what you’re talking about. I was looking to upgrade from my HE400S and the Sundara sounded pretty much identical, but when I heard the Arya Stealths I had the same OMG reaction. It was total next-level performance, and I’d bet your Ananda Nanos are doing a lot of the same things. Enjoy!!!
Showing 7 responses by soix
@yyzsantabarbara Why did you sell your SR1a ‘phones? |
@freediver Sounds like you found a great match, and I’m obviously with you on the Hifiman sound. Congrats and enjoy! Oh yeah, and most importantly, thank you so much for your service!!! |
@mahgister Yes!!! YESS!!! U nailed it there man. The BACCH system is THE most interesting thing I’ve heard about or would like to hear either in headphones or in a stereo system, period. I’m right there with ya. I’m just afraid that once I hear a BACCH setup I’m totally busted for life. In a good way, but totally busted. I’m totally with ya dude and thanks for bringing it up. You wonderful bastard. Yet another audio rabbit hole I know I will inevitably need to crawl down and be wrecked forever. Thanks for bringing this up my friend. NOT!!! I think I hate u, but in the most beautiful way possible. Thank u for u being u, and keep bringing it!!! |
@mahgister I promise I will let you know as soon as I can, and thank u so much for ur kind thoughts. The sad truth is I’m using the MZ2 not only as my HeadFi amp but also as the pre in my 2-channel rig and I screwed up because I’m an idiot. I got over zealous and impatient and hooked my new MZ2 up to my big rig while I had my amp powered on and fried the MZ2. I’m hoping I just blew a fuse in my MZ2 by doing something insanely stupid, but it could be worse. Ironically I also now have a recently highly-upgraded McCormack DNA-0.5 amp that SMcAudio incorporates a lot of their mega-dollar consulting work from Berning’s top mega-$$$ projects that eventually trickle down to their SMcAudio upgrades. I’m dying to hear what this combo of several Berning technologies will yield and will let you know not only what I hear in my HeadFi rig but also in my 2-channel system for whatever that might be worth. Berning is a damn genius in our audio world, and we’re just living in it.
@larsman Exactly correct. You need a bonafide 2-channel amp that can drive home speakers to drive the Susvaras, and that’s an expensive and tough ask in a HeadFi setup and brings things to a much higher level in expense whereas I can easily power the HE1000SEs with my LTA or even my Singxer Class-A solid state amp. @mahgister I really wish I could help answer your excellent question, but alas I’m going through a divorce and haven’t had the chance yet to hear my MZ2 with my Arya Stealths yet, which gives me huge amount of frustration. The amp I’ve been using up to this point is the fully-balanced, Class-A Singxer SA-6 that, frankly, sounds pretty damn good through excellent balanced silver LavriCable headphone cables. I’m thinking I can get my MZ2 up and running within the next month and will definitely share my impressions, but I’m highly impressed with the Singxer SA-6 with my Arya Stealths FWIW. |
Currently my Hifiman Arya Stealths are my top ‘phones and I love them and love the Hifiman “house sound” and will very likely stick with the brand. As good as the Arya Stealths are, from everything I’ve read the HE1000SE is significantly better in pretty much every way (and actually reportedly knock on the door performance wise of the much dearer and higher-maintenance Susvaras), so I covet them and they’ll likely be my next purchase as I recently upgraded my HP amp to a Linear Tube Audio MZ2 so the headphones are very likely the next upgrade. I’d say possibly the “final” upgrade at least for my HeadFi rig, but we all know here that that’s just a farce. There is no “final upgrade” among audiophiles until the last nail is driven into the coffin — its just how we’re, uh, wired. No? |