Best sounding headphones you have owned?

At one time I had gone through Shure, early Stax, Audio Technica electret condenser....and more.

What have you owned in both expensive and inexpensive headphones that gave you pleasurable listening?



Showing 1 response by mapman

I have several Sennheiser Grado Audio Technica and Sony (used to have Stax as well) and EQed they all sound nice but each a little different

I needed to replace a pair of ancient Klipsch earbuds that were showing their age. Picked up a pair of Truthear Crinacle Zeros Red buds recently and gotta say these things are top notch even without EQ. Crystal clear and balanced top to bottom and very affordable. Perfect for just taking in the details of whatever happens to be there in each recording even simply straight off a smart phone.