Best sounding headphones you have owned?

At one time I had gone through Shure, early Stax, Audio Technica electret condenser....and more.

What have you owned in both expensive and inexpensive headphones that gave you pleasurable listening?



Showing 4 responses by larsman

I've had a lot of TOTL headphones come through here, including Abyss, ZMF, Focal, Meze, Audeze, and others that are slipping my mind, but the winner for me is Susvara through my Eddie Current amp.  I do use Utopias with my DAP though...

@soix - I've had both HE1000SE and Susvara (which I still have), and if they knock on Susvara's door, Susvara's not answering on my system, at any rate, as they sound a good bit better than the HE1000 SE's, which are certainly no slouches, either.

By 'high-maintenance', you mean finding an amp that will have enough current and wattage? Yes, there is that. $6000 is a lot of dough, but you can find them for less than that; I got a demo pair for about half that. 

@soix - I can drive my Susvaras perfectly fine with my Eddie Current Studio B and my Donald North Audio Stratus tube headphone amps and they are delightful to rock out to. Sure, you can scale up and get even more, no question, but you can say that about just about anything; my speakers would sound better with a pair of Boulder monoblocs, but ya gotta stop somewhere! 😀

Just recently got the Modhouse Tungsten DS with the Enleum XPA-23RMH amp, and that is a superb pairing. They sound much better through that amp than my Susvaras do, and like the Susvaras, they sound excellent on my DNA Stratus tube headphone amp. They don't have quite the detail of the Susvaras, but overall, I enjoy the experience with them more....