best-sounding class D amp?

I'm not interested in starting another discussion about technology, or performance parameters. (You know who you are.)

I know that there are different brands and designs of modules used in these amps, and different implementations, with additional maker-specific circuitry around the module.

What I *am* interested in hearing about is first-hand listening impressions of the most natural, full-bodied class D amp you've heard, with a preference for those (few?) that hew to the slightly warmer rather than cooler side of neutral.


Showing 2 responses by tweak1

Over the decades I have owned quite a few class Ds. Of late (last 3 years) I had the Emerald Physics 100.2SE monos with special fuses), Audio Alchemy DPA-1, PS Audio M700s and now a no longer made EVS 1200. All of these were used with the same power cord connecting my Core Power 1800 to a 20 amp dedicated line. About 10 days ago, I decided to replace the boutique PC ($800) with a Wire World Electra 7 ($240).

I am in the "life- like" group who prefers sharp edges when they exist on the medium, dead quiet sound stage and excellent imaging. When I switched to the WW: BAM, but it's a blessing and a curse. Why? Because it doesn't soften ALL music as does the boutique PC, and not all CDs sound natural.

I suspect the PD Asuio M1200s, which have a tube input buffer, will sound comfy


A trumpet player knows the speed and bite necessary to reproduce a horn, but it also requires fast speakers with exceptional tweeters. An excellent ribbon should


Nice to see someone finally preferring class D to Pass room heaters