Best solid state amp upgrade from NAD 214?

Hello all. I'm looking to upgrade from my NAD 214 amp and NAD 1000 preamp. I just purchased some Gallo Reference 3.5 speakers with the Gallo SA sub amp, and I think it's time to move to a better amp and preamp. I'm thinking the amp should be first. I want to spend under $2000 ideally and am open to used equipment as well. Any ideas?

Showing 2 responses by sebrof

One of the biggest upgrades I've done was when I went from an Adcom solid state GTP preamp (450?) to a quicksliver linestage with my NAD 214. The jump in performance was huge. I'm not familiar with the NAD 1000 but I wouldn't be surprised if you got the same gains I got.

After the Quicksilver, I went through several more expensive power amps before I found one that was much better than the 214. That there is a pretty good amp.
I bridged a pair of 214s and really didn't notice much improvement, but if you can get one for $100 then what the heck, maybe with your speakers it may help (I had Magnepan MG12s at the time)