Best server to house Roon and 4 TB of music feeding DCS Vivaldi Upsampler and Dac

Currently using Aurender W20 and a separate Roon Nucleus to provide access access to existing 4TB music files, Quobuz and Tidal  and fed directly to a DCS Vivaldi Stack. Is there a better solution that runs extremely quiet with an enjoyable and efficient user interface?


Showing 1 response by carlsbad

Hmmm.   I use Roon and a less expensive streamer (which sounds great).  I have a NUC to run the core on.

I didn't think Aurender worked as a roon endpoint.  So I am surprised by your setup.  Perhaps Roon is seeing your Upsampler/DAC?   I know with my USBridge streamer Roon actually sees my M-scaler (like the streamer is transparent).

So I've been thinking about a high end streamer.  Leaning toward the Innous because it has an onboard stransport/ripper and so I can get rid of my CD transport.   It is also Roon ready.  But I don't think they go up to 4 TB.  

someone else will have to talk about the virtues of and external SSD drive. I know they all support that but don't know how seamless and quality that is.
