Best Russian Tubes to Import

I have some freinds in the gaming business living in Russia, can anyone offer a place or company to buy good tubes from over there.

Is it worth trying to import them I know there is a market but which are the most sort after Russian tubes name and type.

Not really a hair brained idea!!! You're thinking of the "angles", and some day, it will pay off.

I don't know where you live, but check out yard sales for electronic gear. Learn, with research, to spot the few gems, buried in a sea of used turds! You'd be surprised what some people, who know nothing about audio, will let that old clunker go for...but you will know better!!! A quick check, a minor clean-up, and some few minor repairs can net quite a profit here on Agon or eBay [depending upon how good your find was].
Thanks for the guidance.
It looks like another hair brained idea to make a bit of cash to buy my next peice of equipment
Back to the drawing board.

Be careful with the Russian "military" tubes. I bought some "military" 6H8Cs (same as 6SN7) and they were clearly identical to the current Sovtek 6SN7s, and sounded just as bad. YMMV.
Hi Punkuk, Russian tubes are plentyful here in the US at dirt cheap prices. Importing real Russian military tubes would probably be your best bet.
Last I heard, there was some kind of distribution or ownership rights conflict regarding current Svetlana tubes. In the USA, the tubes that were the originally Svetlana are now sold under the "Winged C" or "Circled C" logo...I believe that current Svetlana tubes are in fact, really Sovtek least as of a year or two ago.

I don't know what you have for testing gear, or your experience, but there are many tube suppliers with known reputation, and full tube lines [Yugo, China, Russia] and have access to supplies of NOS tubes as well.

I have no idea of the Custom forms and duty that might have to be considered for such an endeavor. Investigate all aspects CAREFULLY before making a decision!
That was the first name that came to mind. Are Russian Military tubes worth perusing.
I would think Svetlana ( SED ) in St. Petersburg comes up first......I guess EL34 - KT88 etc.....I know some tube guys buy them in big lots and match them up for quads/pairs..for resale...