Best Rock Album in 2010

So its finally landed, the third album by Rock duo JohnOssi, with John Engelbert on Guitar and Vocals and Oskar Bonde on drums.

Mavericks - JohnOssi

Last year i had the title Best Rock Album in 2009, so far and had my vote out for Black Keys man Dan Auerbach, this year I will drop the "so far" and stipulate that this is as good as it gets!

Please add your best for 2010, but lets keep it to albums released in 2010.

Showing 8 responses by audiofeil

>>05-14-10: Perrew
Bill, come on Broken Bells are soft pop, Im talking ROCK!!! here:-)<<


Maybe you should wait for new releases from Kiss, Def Leopard, or Thin Lizzy.

Right up your alley.
Much thanks to Macdadtexas for Black Keys and Widespread Panic recommendations. Both are terrific.

So is Arcade Fire's The Suburbs.

Yes, produced by T Bone Burnett using a single microphone.

It has a wonderful feel.

I'll also recommend giving the new Doobie Brothers and Kings of Leon releases a listen.

Thank goodness the Doobs chose to let Michael McDonald sit this one out.


Mickey does sing back up on one song. Maybe he paid them to make an appearance.

But it is not hardly anywhere near enough to muck up the entire album.

Just received Ray LaMontagne - "God Willin and the Creek Don't Rise", Peter Wolf- "Midnight Souvenirs", and Neil Young- "Les Noise" yesterday.

Great stuff.

Crazy good guitar work by Neil Young. How long can he keep this up?