Best Receiver?

I’m setting up a second system with a set of stand mount speakers and a nice Garrard 301 and want a tuner built in, rather than an integrated amp. Of all the receivers, vintage and more recent, what’s the best sounding? I always thought those massive Marantz etc looked great but didn’t sound particularly good. Anyone have experience with something that sounded great?


Showing 1 response by dynacohum

On the current market the Yamaha RN2000A and MAC7200 are your top contenders. Semi vintage, Nakamichi SR4A was outstanding. Deeper vintage, I rate the Sansui 8 Deluxe and Pioneer SX1250 tops. Really deep vintage I agree the tube Fisher stuff was great. A Marantz 15 was their best one. But vintage means trusting a restoration to be done right. 
If your pocket goes that deep, the Yamaha is the winner, with all the connectivity and performance you need today.