Best qobuz records to compare dac upgrades

I would like to upgrade my dac, from a topping 70s to something matching the quality of the rest of the system, likely in the range below 4k. To minimize the impact of interplay between different audio components (ampli, dac, speakers, power,...) I intend to use my headphone ampli and headphones (Aurium and Senn 880, resp), sourced by Qobuz and Auralic Aries2, auditioning different dacs. Comparing different hardware requires recordings of sufficient quality to avoid sort of saturation in how good the final signal could become. Some music i love, and which I would naively use for the comparisons, might fail to enhance the different quality of different dacs, since the recording itself is not good enough to reveal important differences. E.g. I noticed that some releases offered in 24 bits are not particularly better than their standard, lower rate, editions. I wonder whether you have good suggestions for tracks that in your experience  are particularly valuable in such an exercise. I mostly listen to jazz, classical and opera, but I am very open to all good music, and anyway this is sort of a technical test, so any good suggestion is welcome!


Showing 1 response by jrw1971

Blake Mills “Heigh Ho” album.  Unbelievably well-recorded, mastered, etc.  and the bass is a great test for lots of things.