Best Pressing Recommendations Please

I am starting to build up my vinyl collection (yeah, I know about 20yrs too late) and would like some recommendations for the best sounding pressings of the following must have albums:

Miles Davis "Kind of Blue"
Miles Davis "Sketches of Spain"
Dave Brubeck "Time Out"
Dave Brubeck "Gone with the Wind"
John Coltrane "Lush Life"
John Coltrane "A Love Supreme"
The Doors "The Doors"
Led Zep "Led Zep II"

Thanks for your recommendations.

Showing 1 response by sugarbrie

Since you like classic jazz. If you can find one, my best sounding one is a Sheffield Labs direct disk Dave Grusin album. I am not at home but I think it is titled Wondering Again. I've heard its a collectors item??? You may want to go to and see what the current offerings are.