best preamps

can someone recommend best preamps

+1, as to good advice. Pay attention to impedance matching, particularly with amps. 
Just bought a C-J GAT S2 (haven't received it yet), but also considered the Koda K-15EX, Soulution 725 and Audionet PRE G2 (to mate with my Audionet MAX amps), however, my dream pre would be the VAC Statement, but at $78K it was way out of my reach.
The best preamp ever made is the McIntosh C-2200 tube preamp and it's resale value being higher than newer model tube preamps helps prove my claim ,it's been over a decade with my C-2200 and for the 1st time in my life I've not wanted to even tube roll the preamp is so we'll thought out ,plus it's one of the very few modern preamps left that we're built with excellent tone control circuits that can be taken out of the signal path at will .