best preamps in the 4K-8K range

I'm looking for some opinions on preamps. My current system is: Ayre Cx-7 CD player, Arcam AV8 preamp, Cary 500 MB monoblocks (currently using arcam P7 preamp, but have the Carys on order), Dali euphonia MS4 speakers, Richard Gray Power. I find m current system nice, but slightly analytical, and not as 3-dimentional as I'd like. I'd also like some more musicality with a touch of warmth. I have been thinking about BAT, Cary, Herron and Pass labs preamps--some would need to be picked up used on audiogon to stay in my price range. I would certainly appreciate any thoughts on what might go well with my system from any audiogoners. Thanks

Showing 3 responses by jmcgrogan2

First Sound won't get you where you want to go with more warmth and a less analytical sound. The First Sound preamps are Ferraris, and it sounds to me like you want a Rolls.

Of course that could all change when the Cary monoblocks replace the Arcam amp. Maybe he should hold off asking for preamp advice until he hears the new amps. I know I would.
If only this were so easy...... I also am currently in the same hunt, and have been for a couple of months now. I also went through this in 2004. The preamp is the most difficult component to recommend, IMHO. It is so system, taste, and feature dependant, that it's almost impossible for anyone to tell you what will work best for your system/tastes/needs.

I think you will find that the current popular choice in your price range is a ARC Ref 3, used or demo. However, that could change soon with the new BAT's coming out at the CES this week. Keep in mind that the latest, hottest preamp may not be the best fit for you however. You may prefer the Cary SLP-05 to mate with your new Cary monoblocks. Only your ears can decide.

Happy Hunting,

01-09-07: Tcheathertree
Thanks guys for the great advice. I believe it was "tvad" who put it best when he said that I was looking for a Rolls, not a ferrari. I am interested in the VAC and Joule preamps...also cj, but I am reading that their recent preamps are not really warm in character....anyone have a comment on that?

Out of curiousity, have you heard the Cary amps yet?
I ask because I think the Cary amps will take you pretty far in the direction you want to go, compared to the Arcam amp. They might even change your preamp goals.
