Best Preamp w/ Headphone Jack

Looking to identify a killer preamp with headphone capability. Phono stage is not a requirement. It would be nice if we could keep the expense below $2K. Thanks Agoners!!
I wish I was in a position to jump on one, but there is a Melos here for 700, and one on eBay currently at 400.
i'd have to side w/the melos sha-gold/maestro folks. killer linestage, killer headfone amp, awailable used for ~$1k... oh yeah, remote wolume/balance control, too...

doug s.

Melos, is excellent. Best headphone amp I ever heard (or had). I now have a Rogue 99, all around a better preamp, but very inefficient with phones (have to turn the volume to 8 or 9 to get moderate sound), and the jack is inconveniently placed in the back of the unit. But it is a killer preamp otherwise.
Check out an Audible Illusions L-1. Great line stage pre-amp based on the Modulus 3A tube hybrid circuitry. Has an excellent headphone stage.
.......agree with Sonic Frontiers-- either Line 1 or Line 2. I have both-- they are excellent pre-amps and the headphone section of both are great. I use them with Senn. 600s also.

BTW, the Line 1 and 2 sound an awful lot alike with the Line 2 having a bit more smoothness and naturalness, but the differences are not great. The Line 1 can be had for $1000. to $1200., and the Line 2 for $1500. to 1800. Cheers. Craig
Sonic Frontiers Line 2SE's headphone amp by Headroom is great with Sennheiser HD-600s, a match made in heaven.
I will mention the Anthem pre2L although probably not in the same league as the others listed. With a headphone jack, and remote, solid build, and some good reviews it probably is the best bang for the buck.
Melos SHA-1 Gold, killer preamp, killer headphone amp, and available at good prices since Melos bit the dust. Easily servicable tho...
Sonic Frontiers Line 2 preamp, avialable here and elsewhere for under $2K, has a great headphone preamp made by HeadRoom I believe.
I forgot to mention that I have a pair of Manley 300B Retros mated with Concident Super Eclipses -- don't think solid state preamps will jive with my system. THANKS.