best pre-amp new or used for under $500?

Hello there, just bought a 2-channel power amp and need pre-amp advice. My budget is low, as the title above states, and the power amp is a Rotel RB-1080. Speakers will be either Ascend Acoustics Sierra 1, Dynaudio Excite X16 or Totem Rainmakers. I have not auditioned these speakers yet, they are on my list because of reputation, look and price. Source is a Yamaha CD changer, will upgrade that after the speakers arrive. Room will be small, 12x12x8. Would prefer to have a couple sets of pre-outs so I can hook up a sub if necessary. A remote is an absolute must, my listening sessions are 90-120 minutes long. Thanks in advance and happy listening.
Ok, so I got a Nakamichi CA5 instead of a CA5II. Got a question; any ideas about some simple upgrades in the circuitry?
I would recommend you to stretch your budget to under $800, then you will have alot more choices. I went through similar path, from Adcom ($250) to Rotel ($350) to Audible Illusions ($700), and the AI is a different league. For instance, there is one factory refurbished on sale now for $675 with 6 month manufacturing warranty. To me, it is a good deal. Just $175 over your budget, and it is a greatly praised preamp. And there is a Cary slp-88 for $750.
Gte357s - I understand the extra $300 gets me into the next level of used gear. Have been looking now for a while, and have seen even some McCormack gear hovering around $850, and have also seen nice Anthem tubed pre's around $750.
Since I have to also buy the speakers tho, is it better to put that extra money in the pre, in the head unit, or in the speakers? That is the age old question.
It's hard for me to get past the Peachtree gear, since I really want to get into computer audio, but it would be a shame to find out its just too much of a time eater to mess with a laptop as a transport.
Anthem TLP 1. A full-featured, overlooked and great sounding pre-amp (and tuner) that sells new for 900 or a grand. Should be able to find used in your range.