Best Pre-amp for $500??

What kind of fidelity can I get for $500?  I also need a remote and a couple of digital inputs (so need a good DAC) and a few analog inputs?


Showing 2 responses by mkwglyg

Get the aragon 28k preamp if u can find one.
I have owned it for 20yrs.
In those years, it beats all my new purchases to replace it. Musical fidelity ac3r, rogue audio, simaudio 740p.

During my process to upgrade it, i brought it for comparison with accuphase 2410, ayre kx5, ayre k5xemp, jeff rowland capri, mbl preamp, the aragon never paled in comparisonin terms of Clarity, openess and dynamics.

I finally bought the sim 740p based on reviews and without audition.

Sold the 740p after 3months. 

Still stuck with this vintage, its simply irreplaceable.

Oh yes, forgot to mention it also sounded way clearer than the mark levinson 326s