Best Power Cord for Parasound Halo JC1's

Hello Guys,

Any Parasound Halo JC1's owner here already experimented AC power cables on these amps?
I'm going to search for the best & cheap solution and by the moment I found something interesting in ElementCable
exactly the ElementCord .. suggested as perfect AC Power Cord for AC hungry amps

Any other suggestion?


ps. Merry Christmas to everyOne!
Merry Christmas Curio :)

I just looked at that $98 dollar PC and well, can you get your hundred bucks back if it does not stack up? If so I suggest you compair it to a used Shunyata or Synergistic Research AC Master Coupler. Used you are looking at around $150 but I'm sure you'll hear the extra fifty bucks and if not, sell it off on audiogon.
Thanks Shellie for your opinion

Unfortunately I live in Italy and I can't easily get my "hundred bucks back" .. shipping cost you know ..
Besides I need AC Power Cables with Schuko Wall Plugs so the problems are two.
That's why I'm asking here before to waste money
Here on A.gon market there are tons of good bargains but hardly any with these EU Plugs.
I need two AC P.Cords for the Parasound monoblocks and two for Pass X1 and Whest Audio PS30RDT so I have to search within max 150 $USD for 1 cable.

Those Element Cables are really cheap and it would be interesting to know how they works.. before to buy of course!
I have a suggestion for a Power Cord for your Parasound Halo amp.

I have an ATI 3007 high current amp - 300w @ 8ohms.

I purchased a 20 amp PC from Balanced Power Technologies (BPT). I have been very happy with the PC, it works well with high current amps. BPT uses high quality components while keeping costs low.

You can get the BPT C-9 PC with 15 or 20 amp connectors. They use 9 guage OFC and Furutech connectors. They retail for $199 and I got mine for $149 under a special. Ask for their Specials.

I have been very happy with the BPT PC, custom assembled, great components, flexible and sounds great with high current amps, and cost effective. I highly recommend.

Hope this helps