Best Power Cord for Parasound Halo JC1's

Hello Guys,

Any Parasound Halo JC1's owner here already experimented AC power cables on these amps?
I'm going to search for the best & cheap solution and by the moment I found something interesting in ElementCable
exactly the ElementCord .. suggested as perfect AC Power Cord for AC hungry amps

Any other suggestion?


ps. Merry Christmas to everyOne!

Showing 2 responses by curio

Thanks Shellie for your opinion

Unfortunately I live in Italy and I can't easily get my "hundred bucks back" .. shipping cost you know ..
Besides I need AC Power Cables with Schuko Wall Plugs so the problems are two.
That's why I'm asking here before to waste money
Here on A.gon market there are tons of good bargains but hardly any with these EU Plugs.
I need two AC P.Cords for the Parasound monoblocks and two for Pass X1 and Whest Audio PS30RDT so I have to search within max 150 $USD for 1 cable.

Those Element Cables are really cheap and it would be interesting to know how they works.. before to buy of course!
Hi Guys,

Thanks again for your suggestions
In the end I decided to buy the Kemp Electronik AC power cables and power strip
Two Reference behind Parasound JC1's and two Plus behind Pass X1 and Whest Audio PS30RDT and a LO power cord for the turntable
Besides I bought the new power strip with 6 schuko power outlets for pre-phono-turntable
The sonical result is simply "Unbeliveable & Awesome"!!
Just like to clean a dirty window and clearly see throught invisible glass, and absolutely without to alter the natural timber of my gears
Thi is super important for me!
I strongly suggest to try these Kemp products expecially for 230 AC Voltage users .. I don't know how they work with 115/120 AC voltage.